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A concerned member of the human race

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Is Meryl Tisch Living in an Alternate Universe?

Both AFT president, Randi Weingarten, and NYSUT president, Karen Magee, came out recently in strong support of  students refusing tests.  Reactions were mixed.  One has only to read the comments following these posts.  Some felt it was done a little late in the game.  Others were greatly relieved it was done at all.  And, as for Merryl Tisch...

Well, she said, tests "provide an important source of objective information.   ...it's time to stop making noise to protect the adults and start speaking up for the students."

But....and there are many of them...

How can so many hours of testing over so many days speak to the interests of the students?

How can prepping instead of helping children grow in more meaningful ways speak to the interests of students?

How can testing at such an early age when many children have limited attention spans and develop at different rates speak to the  interests of students?

How can top-secret exams which require gag orders for teachers and intense monitoring of student social media speak to the interests of students?

How can diverting limited resources to expensive contracts with the likes of Pearson speak to the interests of students?  

How can tests with set cut scores to reach predetermined political ends speak to the interests of students?

How can tests which cause students to become physically ill and mentally anguished speak to the interests of students?

How can tests that sap students will to learn speak to the interests of students?

How can results that in no way help teachers address students' learning needs speak to the interests of students?

How can branding 65% of our State's kids as failures speak to the interests of our students?

How can depriving these students of music, the arts and other amenities of life, in the name of AIS, or funding more test prep, speak to the interests of students?

My last question:

Is Ms. Tisch living in an alternate universe?  And, if so, will she be returning to Earth soon?

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