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A concerned member of the human race

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Irrefutable "Logic" That is Ed. "Reform"

Since the State of the State, I've been thinking a great deal about the irrefutable "logic" that is ed. "reform."  Let's run with this "logic" and see where it leads us.  

1.  50% of teacher's worth=students' test scores (Governor Cuomo, State of the State 2015).  Since students fail miserably, fire the teachers!

2.  Teacher Colleges should be rated by the passing rates on high-stakes tests of students taught by their graduates (Secretary of State Arne Duncan).  Since students fail miserably, rate the teacher colleges as abject failures!

Here is where I will take their "logic" and run with it.  Watch me go:

3.  Since the New York State Board of Regents authorizes such colleges and universities, the worth of the Board of Regents must be judged by the success of teacher colleges which train students to work with children in the state--who are currently failing miserably the Common-Core tests sanctioned by the State Education Department.  Disband the current Board!

4.  You may be tempted to blame Governor Cuomo, but this is where you are ruled wrong on a technicality.  Since state legislatures maintain the power over the Board of Regents per their state constitution, legislators in Albany are responsible for the failure of the Board to create teacher colleges that train teachers to adequately prep students for killer tests.  Close down the NY State legislature!

5.  Given our democratic system, "The People" have freely chosen their state legislators, thus,  "The People" must be to blame for the inability of the state legislature to create a Board that can authorize teacher colleges worthy of graduating students who can prep their own students to near perfection.  We must fire "The People."

6.  Now, we are at a pretty impasse.  Who do you blame for the inability of "The People" to choose legislators to create a Board of Regents to authorize only colleges which train qualified graduates to prep students past the obstacle that is their Common-Core tests?  If you blame "The People's" teachers again, you go around in an endless and hopeless circle.  So, let us just blame "The People."  

Whither next?  If you believe in evolution, you can ultimately blame natural selection for "The People."  You might want to blame the mysteries of the universe.  If you believe in the Bible or Quran, just go ahead and blame God, or 50% of his infinite worth!  Like floods, famines and plagues, God created teachers!  It is up to the Governor to destroy them somehow.  Even if he has no constitutional power to do so, "logic demands" no less.  If he is religiously minded, he must fire God first!  On this Sunday morning, let Governor Andy armed with his irrefutable "logic," go to it!

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