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A concerned member of the human race

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Who is Paying You?

It is a sad and very sorry fact that when I read about the political positions of so many in power today, I first ask, "who is paying you?"
During the recent NPE conference, Randi Weingarten was quizzed about AFT grants from Bill Gates.  A day or two later, I learned that the AFT would no longer accept his money.  To the best of my knowledge, large doses of Bill Gates money have gone in many directions, including to the NEA, InBloom and the Common Core. 
The Governor apparently rakes in bountiful stashes from charter-school lobbyists before he goes out and does battle for them against the interests of the ninety-seven percent in NY state who are public-school students.  Maybe we could hold bake sales.  After all there are millions of us.  Maybe each of us could sell a brownie or two and send all of our bake-sale money to the Governor.  Do you think he would like us better then?  Maybe we could even sweeten the deal and help seal it by sending him a cookie or two gratis.  Might it not help solidify his support?  Do you think he prefers oatmeal, chocolate chip, or a hybrid?

Most unexpectedly and sadly, I learned this year that UFT-Unity delegates must obey a Loyalty Oath.  Unity delegates are supposedly beholden to this oath to carry out all the marching orders of leadership, and if they fail to sign on or adhere they may very well be deprived of lucrative union work; it might cost a renegade an additional $20,000 per year.  I have even learned that people are potentially silenced at delegate meetings either by the cold shoulder or their own fear, a powerful internal self-regulating mechanism.  When even unions lack democracy, who will listen for the voice of the people?  "Saltwater wells in my eyes."

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