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Friday, March 14, 2014

Who's On Students FIrst?

A parody of Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First?" follows.  It mocks the tangled web of millionaires and billionaires, all working towards the same ends, to dismantle public education in the United States.  The complications in the dialogue below are only a mere pittance compared to the complex diagrams illustrating the interconnections of the elite group of educational deformers.

Abbott: Well Costello, I'm going to New York with you. You know the Broad Academy gave me a job as charter operator.

Costello: Look Abbott, if you're a charter operator, you must know all the Hedge Fund owners and educational reformers.

Abbott: I certainly do.

Costello: Well you know I've never met them. So you'll have to tell me their names, and then I'll know who's on the reforming team.

Abbott: Oh, I'll tell you their names, but you know it seems to me they give these reformers now-a-days very peculiar names.

Costello: You mean funny names?

Abbott: Strange names, pet names...like Duncan Doenut

Costello: His brother Doughdoe.

Abbott: Doughdoe Doenut.

Costello: And their French cousin.

Abbott: French?

Costello: Doe Rhee Mimi.

Abbott: Doe Rhee Mimi Doenut. Well, let's see, we have the reformers, Who's on Student's First, What's on the Board of the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation, I Don't Know is on the National Council on Teacher Quality...

Costello: That's what I want to find out.

Abbott: I say Who's on Student's First, What's on the Board of the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation, I Don't Know's on the National Council on Teacher Quality.

Costello: Are you a Hedge Fund manager?

Abbott: Yes.

Costello: You gonna be the charter operator too?

Abbott: Yes.

Costello: And you don't know the reformers' names?

Abbott: Well I should.

Costello: Well then who's on Students First?

Abbott: Yes.

Costello: I mean who's the woman who tapes students' mouths shut.

Abbott: Who.

Costello:  The woman on Students First who jokes about students bleeding when they try to take her tape off their mouths.

Abbott: Who. 

Costello: The woman on Students First.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The woman making all these reforms for public education...

Abbott: Who is on Students First!

Costello: I'm asking YOU who's on Students First.

Abbott: That's the woman's name.

Costello: That's who's name?

Abbott: Yes.

Costello: Well go ahead and tell me.

Abbott: That's it.

Costello: That's who?

Abbott: Yes.


Costello: Look, you gotta Student's First aiming to close public schools, after overlooking a damning set of test erasures to deal out big merit pay checks, all the while harassing the honest public servants?

Abbott: Certainly.

Costello: Who really is on Students First?

Abbott: That's right.

Costello: When the Hedge Fund managers pay out every month, who gets the money?

Abbott: Every dollar of it.

Costello: All I'm trying to find out is the woman's name on Students First.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The woman that gets...

Abbott: That's it.

Costello: Who gets the money...

Abbott: She does, every dollar. Sometimes her husband comes down and collects it.

Costello: Who's husband?

Abbott: Yes.


Abbott: What's wrong with that?

Costello: Look, all I wanna know is when Students First cashes the Hedge Fund manager's check, how does she sign her name?

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The woman.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: How does she sign...

Abbott: That's how she signs it.

Costello: Who?

Abbott: Yes.


Costello: All I'm trying to find out is what's the woman's name on Students First.

Abbott: No. What is on the Board of the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation.

Costello: That's a Gated community.  If you're not on the Fortune 500, and especially if you're a career teacher, you can't get in your opinion.  It has no value, but you might be able to get a copy of the Common Core gratis.  I'm not asking you who's on the Board of the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation.

Abbott: Who's on Students First.

Costello: One foundation at a time!

Abbott: Well, don't change the reformers around.

Costello: I'm not changing nobody!

Abbott: Take it easy, buddy.

Costello: I'm only asking you, who's the woman on Students First?

Abbott: That's right.

Costello: Ok.

Abbott: All right.


Costello: What's the woman's name on Students First?

Abbott: No. What is on the Board of the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation.

Costello: I'm not asking you who's on the Board of the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation.

Abbott: Who's on Students first.

Costello: I don't know.

Abbott: He's on the National Council on Teacher Quality, we're not talking about him.

Costello: Now how did I get on the National Council on Teacher Quality?

Abbott: Why you mentioned his name.

Costello: If I mentioned the National Council on Teacher Quality's name, who did I say is reforming at the National Council on Teacher Quality?

Abbott: No. Who's reforming on Students First.

Costello: What's on Students First?

Abbott: What's on the Board of the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation.

Costello: I don't know.

Abbott: He's on the National Council on Teacher Quality.

Costello: There I go, back on the National Council on Teacher Quality again!


Costello: Would you just stay on the National Council on Teacher Quality and don't go off it.

Abbott: All right, what do you want to know?

Costello: Now who's reforming on the National Council on Teacher Quality?

Abbott: Why do you insist on putting Who on the National Council on Teacher Quality?

Costello: What am I putting on the National Council on Teacher Quality?

Abbott: No. What is on the Board of the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation.

Costello: You don't want who on the Board of the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation?

Abbott: Who is on Students First.

Costello: I don't know.

Abbott & Costello Together:  The National Council on Teacher Quality!


Costello: Look, you gotta other reformers way out there in Teach for America who think educators don't need much training or experience.  They can wing it for a couple of years and then rewrite educational policy, as if they're experts, to the flavor of the month?

Abbott: Sure.

Costello: Their names way out there on Teach for America?

Abbott: Why.

Costello: I just thought I'd ask you.

Abbott: Well, I just thought I'd tell ya.

Costello: Then tell me who else is making reforms way out there on Teach for America.

Abbott: Who's reforming at Students First.

Costello: I'm not... stay out of that! I want to know what's the reformer's name who's way out there?

Abbott: No, What is on the Board of the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation.

Costello: I'm not asking you who's on the Board of the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation.

Abbott: Who's on Students First!

Costello: I don't know.

Abbott & Costello Together: The National Council on Teacher Quality!


Costello: The reformer's names, way out there, on Teach for America?

Abbott: Why.

Costello: Because!

Abbott: Oh, he's on the Broad Foundation.


Costello: Look, You gotta Walton Foundation on this reforming team?

Abbott: Sure.

Costello: The reformers names in the Walton Foundation?

Abbott: Tomorrow.

Costello: You don't want to tell me today?

Abbott: I'm telling you now.

Costello: Then go ahead.

Abbott: Tomorrow!

Costello: What time?

Abbott: What time what?

Costello: What time tomorrow are you gonna tell me who's on the Walton Foundation?

Abbott: Now listen. Who is not on the Walton Foundation.

Costello: I'll break your arm, you say who's on Students First! I want to know are there any  educators with lifetime experience in the inner city or outer city on the reforming team of the Walton Foundation?  What are their names?

Abbott: What's on the Board of the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation.

Costello: I don't know.

Abbott & Costello Together: The National Council on Teacher Quality!


Costello: Gotta another Success Charter?

Abbott: Certainly.

Costello: The names in the Success Charter?

Abbott: Today.

Costello: Today, and tomorrow's on the Walton Foundation.

Abbott: Now you've got it.

Costello: All we got is a couple of days worth of reforms.


Costello: You know I'm a charter operator too.  We throw out kids with bad data.

Abbott: So they tell me.

Costello: I get behind the spreadsheets to do some fancy data manipulation for the charter, Tomorrow's on the Walton Foundation supporting me and a poor test taker comes up. Now the poor test taker fails the assessment. When he fails the assessment, me, being a good charter operator, I'm gonna throw the guy out, right back at Students First. So I pick up the student with failed test in hand and throw 'im to who?

Abbott: Now that's the first thing you've said right.

Costello: I don't even know what I'm talking about!


Abbott: That's all you have to do.

Costello: Is to throw the failed kid to Students First so he can go back to a public school, bring down the data, fail the school and make it into another profiteering charter.

Abbott: Yes!

Costello: Now who's got it?

Abbott: Naturally.


Costello: Look, if I throw the kid out at Students First, somebody's gotta get 'im.  Now who has 'im?

Abbott: Naturally.

Costello: Who?

Abbott: Naturally.

Costello: Naturally?

Abbott: Naturally.

Costello: So I pick up the kid and I throw 'im out to Naturally.

Abbott: No you don't, you throw the kid to Who.

Costello: Naturally.

Abbott: That's different.

Costello: That's what I said.

Abbott: You're not saying it...

Costello: I throw the kid to Naturally.

Abbott: You throw it to Who.

Costello: Naturally.

Abbott: That's it.

Costello: That's what I said!

Abbott: You ask me.

Costello: I throw the kid to who?

Abbott: Naturally.

Costello: Now you ask me.

Abbott: You throw the kid to Who?

Costello: Naturally.

Abbott: That's it.

Costello: Same as you! Same as YOU! I throw the kid to who. Whoever it is drops the kid and the Hedge Fund managers profit and run to tell the Board of the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation. Who picks up the kid and throws 'im to What. What throws 'im to I Don't Know. I Don't Know throws 'im back to Tomorrow, Triple play for the reformers. Another guy gets up and has an I.E.P. with English as a Second Language.  He fails the same test given by Because. Why? I don't know! He's on the National Council on Teacher Quality and I don't give a darn!

Abbott: What?

Costello: I said I don't give a darn!
Abbott: Oh, that's our C.E.O.

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